Historique de l'événement (3 versions)(ID:139206) 


Version 3 moog (20/01/2016 18:52:04)


10 déc 1915 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

Etats-Unis   Chronologie Etats-Unis 

Un prototype de système d'amplification sonore de Magnavox permet aux spectateurs dans le parc du Golden Gate d'entendre un concert choral depuis le City Hall de San Francisco. 


Audio (-) 
San Francisco (-) 




On Christmas Eve of 1915, a prototype sound reinforcement system from Magnavox allowed crowds at the San Franscisco City Hall to hear a caroling concert. On December 10, 1915, Jensen and Pridham presented their groundbreaking invention – the first electrodynamic loudspeaker – to the public for the first thime in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. The next day The San Francisco Bulletin published an enthusiastic article about the event: “Great invention made of Californians solves many problems. The slender tone of a single violin heard about a mile away. The sound operatic Luisa Tetrazzini's vo

Willy Aubert

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