Détail de l'événement(ID:157910) 

1934 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

Autriche   Chronologie Autriche 

Phaidon commence ses publications de livres d'art avec le peintre peu connu Van Gogh. 




The classic Phaidon book which is familiar to every private and institutional art library emerged in 1937 when large-format books with outstandingly high-quality plates were issued on Van Gogh, Botticelli and the French Impressionists. These titles were freshly commissioned by Horovitz and were aimed at the British and American market. Horovitz was a pioneer of the international co-edition, and it was the large print-runs thus achieved that enabled him to combine low price and high quality.

Willy Aubert


Historique de l'événement (3)

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