Détail de l'événement(ID:141055) 

9 déc 1907 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

France   Chronologie France 

L'Office international d'Hygiène publique (OIHP) est créé à Paris. 




oms The Office International d'Hygiène Publique (OIHP) (English: International Office of Public Hygiene) was an international organization founded 9 December 1907 and based in Paris, France. It was created to oversee international rules regarding the quarantining of ships and ports to prevent the spread of plague and cholera, and to administer other public health conventions. The OIHP was dissolved by protocols signed 22 July 1946 and its epidemiological service was incorporated into the Interim Commission of the World Health Organization on 1 January 1947.

Willy Aubert

Historique de l'événement (3)

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