Détail de l'événement(ID:95058) 

11 oct 2012 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

Royaume-Uni   Chronologie Royaume-Uni 

Leon et Debra Black rachètent la maison d'édition Phaidon spécialisée dans la publication de livres d'art. 




In October 2012, Phaidon was bought by Leon and Debra Black and their family with the aim of further growing the company for the long term as the world's leading publisher of books in the visual arts, food and children's markets. With Headquarters in London and offices in New York, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Milan and Tokyo, Phaidon operates a global sales and distribution network, selling in over 100 countries and publishing books in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and German, and with an increasing number of publishing partners in further languages.

Willy Aubert

Historique de l'événement (5)

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