Détail de l'événement(ID:145680) 

11 nov 1935 (=) 


calendrier: Grégorien 

Etats-Unis   Chronologie Etats-Unis 

Le ballon Explorer II atterit près de White Lake. 


Explorer II was a manned U.S. high-altitude balloon that was launched on November 11, 1935 and reached a record altitude of 22,066 m (72,395 ft). Launched at 8:00 am from the Stratobowl in South Dakota, the helium balloon carried a two-man crew consisting of U. S. Army Air Corps Captains Albert W. Stevens and Orvil A. Anderson inside a sealed, spherical cabin. The crew landed safely near White Lake, South Dakota at 4:13 pm and both were acclaimed as national heroes. Scientific instruments carried on the gondola returned useful information about the stratosphere. National Geographic Society.

Willy Aubert

Historique de l'événement (3)

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