Détail de l'événement(ID:157868) 

1950 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

Royaume-Uni   Chronologie Royaume-Uni 

Gombrich publie "The Story of Art" chez Phaidon. 




Phaidon's best know title, The Story of Art first published in 1950, had its origins in the mundane: a chance meeting between Horovitz and Ernst H. Gombrich on the top deck of a London bus. A fellow pre-war refugee from Vienna, Gombrich was a research fellow teaching at the Warburg Institute. It was inspiration on the part of Horovitz to persuade him to write a one-volume survey of the history of art, and to encourage a reluctant author to persevere (Horovitz refused to take back the advance when Gombrich got cold feet).

Willy Aubert


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