Historique de l'événement (1 versions)(ID:160190) 


Version 1 Aubert (06/07/2017 10:07:55)


déc 1796 (=) (environ)

calendrier: Grégorien 

Royaume-Uni   Chronologie Royaume-Uni 

William Banting naît. 


William Banting (-) 
Naissances (-) 




William Banting (c. December 1796 – 16 March 1878) was a notable English undertaker. Formerly obese, he is also known for being the first to popularise a weight loss diet based on limiting the intake of carbohydrates, especially those of a starchy or sugary nature.[3] He undertook his dietary changes at the suggestion of Soho Square physician Dr. William Harvey, who in turn had learnt of this type of diet, but in the context of diabetes management, from attending lectures in Paris by Claude Bernard.

Willy Aubert

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