Historique de l'événement (4 versions)(ID:139111)
Version 4 moog (29/12/2015 12:38:26)
Blue Origine lance une fusée à 100km et la fait atterrir.
Jeff Bezos (-)
Secteur aérospatial (-)
Blue Origin (-)
Vie des affaires (-)
This flight validates our vehicle architecture and design. Our unique ring fin shifted the center of pressure aft to help control reentry and descent; eight large drag brakes deployed and reduced the vehicle's terminal speed to 387 mph; hydraulically actuated fins steered the vehicle through 119-mph high-altitude crosswinds to a location precisely aligned with and 5,000 feet above the landing pad; then the highly-throttleable BE-3 engine re-ignited to slow the booster as the landing gear deployed and the vehicle descended the last 100 feet at 4.4 mph to touchdown on the pad.
Willy Aubert
218 898