Détail de l'événement(ID:193764) 

1950 (=) (environ)

calendrier: Grégorien 

Canada   Chronologie Canada 

Hopps développe le 1e simulateur cardiaque externe. 




John Alexander "Jack" Hopps, OC (May 21, 1919 – November 24, 1998) was one of the pioneers of the artificial pacemaker and the founder of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society (CMBES) who have called him the "Father of biomedical engineering in Canada" Beginning in 1949, he worked with Dr. Wilfred Bigelow and Dr. John Callaghan at the Banting Institute in the University of Toronto, developing the world's first external artificial pacemaker in 1951. (The first internal pacemaker was implanted in a human body by a Swedish team in 1958.)


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