Détail de l'événement(ID:157868)
Gombrich publie "The Story of Art" chez Phaidon.
Chronologies associées avec cet événement:
Chronologie Londres
Chronologie Editions Phaidon
Chronologie Bela Horovitz
Chronologie Ernst Gombrich
Chronologie Stanley Unwin
Chronologie Culture
Chronologie Secteur de l'édition
Chronologie Arts plastiques Théma
Phaidon's best know title, The Story of Art first published in 1950, had its origins in the mundane: a chance meeting between Horovitz and Ernst H. Gombrich on the top deck of a London bus. A fellow pre-war refugee from Vienna, Gombrich was a research fellow teaching at the Warburg Institute. It was inspiration on the part of Horovitz to persuade him to write a one-volume survey of the history of art, and to encourage a reluctant author to persevere (Horovitz refused to take back the advance when Gombrich got cold feet).
Willy Aubert
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