Détail de l'événement(ID:127155)
Le jésuite Trigault arrive à Nanjing.
Chronologies associées avec cet événement:
Chronologie Nanjing
Chronologie Compagnie de Jésus
Chronologie Nicolas Trigault
Chronologie Mission jésuite en Chine
Date varie selon JOHANN ADAM VON SCHALL (1591-1666), Jesuit missionary in China, born of noble parents in Cologne. At the age of twenty he joined the Society of Jesus, and in 1628 went out to China. Apart from successful missionary work, he became the trusted counsellor of the emperor, was created a mandarin, and held an important post in connexion with the mathematical school. His position enabled him to procure from the emperor permission for the Jesuits to build churches and to preach throughout the country. Proselytes to the number of 1oo,000 are said to have been obtained within fourt
Willy Aubert
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