Historique de l'événement (2 versions)(ID:162220) 


Version 2 moog (29/08/2017 21:27:28)


29 août 2017 (=) 


calendrier: Grégorien 

Japon   Chronologie Japon 

Le missile balistique de Corée du Nord survole Hokkaïdo. 




The missile fired on Tuesday took off from near Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, and flew to the east, according to the South Korean military, which added that officials were analyzing the data to determine what type of missile was launched. The Japanese government sent a text alert to citizens about the launch and advised them to take protective cover. The missile flew over Hokkaido island in northern Japan, South Korean and Japanese officials said. It was the first time a North Korean projectile had crossed over Japan since North Korea launched rockets over Japan in 1998, and in 2009


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