Historique de l'événement (2 versions)(ID:144902) 


Version 2 moog (26/05/2016 13:22:39)


25 mai 2016 (=) 


calendrier: Grégorien 

Etats-Unis   Chronologie Etats-Unis 

Piccard décolle à bord du Solar Impulse 2 de Dayton à destination de Lehigh Valley. 


Solar Impulse (-) 
Bertrand Piccard (-) 
Dayton (Ohio) (-) 


Solar Impulse 2 rose from the Dayton International Airport tarmac with Bertrand Piccard in the cockpit. Direction: Lehigh Valley International Airport. He took off from Dayton, Ohio at 8:02 AM UTC, 10:02 AM CET, 4:02 AM EDT for a journey that is expected to last 17 hours until reaching his destination. It was important that we leave Dayton, Ohio early, as clouds are expected to follow Si2's path during the first part of the flight.

Willy Aubert

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