Détail de l'événement(ID:139206) 

10 déc 1915 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

Etats-Unis   Chronologie Etats-Unis 

Un prototype de système d'amplification sonore de Magnavox permet aux spectateurs dans le parc du Golden Gate d'entendre un concert choral depuis le City Hall de San Francisco. 

Chronologies associées avec cet événement:

Chronologie Audio
Chronologie San Francisco




On Christmas Eve of 1915, a prototype sound reinforcement system from Magnavox allowed crowds at the San Franscisco City Hall to hear a caroling concert. On December 10, 1915, Jensen and Pridham presented their groundbreaking invention – the first electrodynamic loudspeaker – to the public for the first thime in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. The next day The San Francisco Bulletin published an enthusiastic article about the event: “Great invention made of Californians solves many problems. The slender tone of a single violin heard about a mile away. The sound operatic Luisa Tetrazzini's vo

Willy Aubert

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